Medicine River Oil Recyclers Ltd. is committed to a strong safety and loss prevention program that protects its staff, property, environment and the public from accidental loss.
Managers, supervisors, foremen, workers and contractors at every level are responsible and accountable for the overall safety initiatives outlined in our program. Thorough and active participation by everyone, every day is essential to achieve the safety excellence the Company expects.
Management supports active involvement of all employees in the program and provides proper training, safe work procedures and equipment. All employees are responsible for following procedures, policies, safety legislation and wherever possible improving safety conditions or making recommendations for improvements.

Our Goals
Our goal is to sustain a workplace without a serious injury or a lost time incident. Through continuous application of the policy and procedures assigned to employees at every level and contained in our safety and loss prevention program and company policies we can accomplish this.
The policy and procedures contained in our safety and loss prevention manual shall be considered the minimum for safety. Legislation shall have precedent over any representation in our safety and loss prevention manual. It is each and every employee’s responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with, and follow applicable legislation and standards as it applies to them, workplace and the Company.